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Sunday 29 May 2011

Beelaha Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya: Yaa Badan, Yaase Laga Badanyahay?

By Khadar Cumar -

Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya waa dhul wayn oo ay dagto Soomaali lagu qiyaaso 5 miliyan oo qof, islamarkaan kasoo kala jeeda deegaanno iyo beelo kala duwan. Dhanka woqooyiga gobolka Soomaalida Itoobiya wuxuu soohdin la’leeyahay gobolka Ismaamulka Canfarta iyo Jabuuti, dhanka Koonfureed wuxuu gobolka Soomaalid soohdin la’leeyahay Kenya, dhanka galbeed wuxuu gobolku soohdin la’leeyahay gobolka Oromada, dhanka barina wuxuu gobolku soohdin la’leeyahay Soomaaliya.
Waxaan ka afeefanayaa in qoraalkan aanan uga gol lahayn in beel lagu cambaaryeeyo, ama wax loogu dhimo, waxaan uga gol leeyahay baraarujin, tusaalayn iyo aqoon korarsi.
Gobolka Soomaalida Itoobiya oo ay kudhantahay bulshada Soomaaliyeed, waxay u arkaan dadka qaarkood in hal beel ay ugu badantahay, tahayna aqlabiyo sare marka la eego tirada dadka daga deegaanka. Beesha ay dadku u arkaan inay tahay dadka ugu badan deegaanka ayaa ah beesha Ogaadeen. Arintan waxaa rumaysan dadka kasoo jeeda iyo dad kale oo aan beeshan kasoo jeedinba. Tusaale ahaan, madaxwaynaha Dawlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar ayaa mar uu kahadlyaya shir wayne uu dalka maraykanka kulalahaa jaaliyadda Soomaalida Itoobiya sheegay in beesha Ogaadeen aytahay beesha ugu badan deegaanka. Xili kala duwan oo badan ayaan iyadana arkay dad ku doodaya beesha Ogaadeen ayaa ugu badan deegaanka.
Muran kumajiro in beesha Ogaadeen tahay beel wayn, beel muhiim ah, daganna deegaanka ugu balaadhan ee dhulka Soomaalida Itoobiya, hasayeeshaa waxaan sugnayn inay beeshu tiro ahaan ugu badantahay deegaanka. Kolka lagahadlayo badani waxa la tiranayo ma’aha dhulka iyo xoolaha nool midkoodna, ee waa dadka. Waxaa dhici karta in dad yari ay dagaan dhul balaadhan ama wayn, dad badanina ay dagaan dhul baaxad ahaan yar. Tusaale, dalka Jabaan waa dal aad uyar, waxaana kunool 126 milyan oo qof, Suudaan oo ah dalka 9 aad ee aduunka ugu wayn baaxad ahaan, waxaa kunool 43 milyan. Arintani waxay ina tusinaysaa in tirada dadku aynan ku xidhnayn in dadku ay dagaan dhul wayn iyo dhulyar toona. Sidaa darteed waxaa suurtogal ah in hadii tiro koob dhab ah lasameeyo ay beesha Ciise ee dagta Gobolka Shiniile iyo magaalada Diridhaba ay ka badato beesha Ogaadeen, ama beesha Garre ee dagta Gobolka Liibaan ay ka badato.
Hadii aan usoo laabto, gobollada Dawlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya ee 9 ka ah, waxaa lasheegaa in gobollada ugu dadka badan ay yihiin gobollada: Jigjiga, Shiniile, Afdheer, Liibaan iyo Godey. Gobollada Jigjiga iyo Shiniile dhulku ma banaana oo ma’aha dhul cidla ah ee dad baa kabuuxa, gobollada Liibaan iyo Afdheera waa sidaas oo kale ayay ka ag dhawyihiin. Gobolka Godey ayaa isaguna ah gobollada dadka badan. Sababta ay gobolladani u dad bateen ayaa ah kubadnaansha ay ku badanyihiin gobolladan dadka beeraha qodota, marka la barbar dhigo gobollada intooda kale, inkasta oo dhamaan gobollada Soomaalidu ay leeyihiin reer guuraa badan. Waxaa kale oo xusid mudan in aynan cidna tirakood kusalaysan beesha ugu yar iyo tan ugu badan aynan samaynin, sidaa darteed aanan la ogaan karin beesha badan iyo beesha yar.
Intaan ka qaano deegaanka soomaalida, iyo baadhi taan aan kusameeyay deegaanka, waxaan ku ogaaday gobollada ugu dadka yar, waxaa kamid ah Qoraxeey, Fiiq iyo Dhagaxbuur oo intuba lagu tiriyo inay yihiin gobollada ay beesha Ogaadeen si xoog leh udagantahay. Gobolladan iyaga ah, dadka dagan waxay ubadanyihiin xoolo dhaqato, waana dhul kuwaangsan daaqsinta xoolaha. Waxaa xusid mudan in gobolladan saddexda ah ee ay beesha Ogaadeen ku badantahay aynan kaligood dagin, ee ay beelo kale oo aan waliba yarayn ay wada dagaan. Beelaha sida xooga leh udaga saddexdan gobol waxaa kamid ah: beesha Sheekhaash oo ah labaad ee dagta gobolladan iyaga ah, ayaa dagmooyinka qaarkood ee ay labadan beelood wada dagaan la odhan karaa tiro ahaan Sheekhaash ayaa kaga badan Ogaadeenka. Ugu yaraan 11-15 dagmo ayay wadaagaan babadan beelood, ee sida aadka ah isu dhalay, isuna dhexgalay. Waxaa kale oo saddexdan gobol qaybo kamid ah dagan, beelaha kala ah: Abasguul, Wayteen, Shariif, Gaadsan iyo beelooyin kale oo yaryar. Waxaan ogaaday oo kale in saddexdan gobol waagii hore la odhan jiray dadka dagan: Aw iyo Ogaadeen. Awga ayaa waxaa hormood ka ahaa Aw Qudub, oo ah Sheekhaash iyo beelaha kale ee lagu tiriyo ama lagu tirin jiray culimada; sida Abasguul, Gaadsan, Shariif, Wayteen iyo Timocase.
Beelahan dhamaantood, magaca beesha Ogaadeen baa qarisay, dadkuna waxay uhaystaan in saddexdan gobol ee ay beesha Ogaadeen kubadantahay ay kaligood kuyihiin. Waxaan odhan karnaa beelaha aan Ogaadeenka ahayn 45% to 55% ayay kayihiin saddexdan gobol ee xarunta u ah beesha Ogaadeen. Sidaa darteed hadii beelahan aan korkusoo xusay laga saaro gobolladan, si aad ah ayay u dad yaraanayaan. Gobolka Godey, oo ay beesha Ogaadeen ay si fiican udagto, ayaa waxaa kale oo si wayn udaga, beelaha wabiyada daga ee looyaqaano Jareer iyo Duubo. Waxaa kale oo iyaguna daga qabiillo kamid ah Sheekhaash, Galimays iyo kuwo kale. Waxaa dhici karta kolka uu madaxwayne Cabdi Maxamuud Cumar uu leeyahay Ogaadeen baa ugu badan deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya, in uu tirsanayo beelahan tirada badan ee aanan qaylada badnayn, ee iska qunyar socodka ah, dhul sheegashadana aanan aqoonin.
Hadii aanan lasameynin tiro koob ku salaysan qabiil, hadii gobollada ay beesha Ogaadeen dagantahay ama ay kubadantahay ay yihiin kuwa ugu dadka yar, isla markaana aynan kali ku ahayn oo ay beelaha tirada badan ee aan kor kusoo suxay ay gobolladan iyaga ah Ogaadeen lawadaagaan, xagee bay katimid Ogaadeen baa ugu badan tiro ahaan gobolka Soomaalida Itoobiya?
Aaminaadda ah in Ogaadeen ugu badanyahay dhulka Soomaalida Itoobiya, waxaa keenay Afar arimood:
1. Baaxadda dhulka ay beeshu dagantahay oo wayn, haba lawadaageen beelo kale oo badan.
2. Magaca gobolka oo isticmaarkii dhulka Soomaaliyeed kala qaybinayay uu kumagacaabay magaca beesha, si uu ukala qaybiyo Soomaalida.
3. Dagmooyin sad bursi ah oo aanan kusalaysany tiro koob, una qalmin magaalooyin oo si gaar ah 1992 loogu sad buriyay beesha Ogaadeen.
4. Dagaalka dhawr iyo toban jirsaday ee ay kula jiraan dawladda Itoobiya, taas oo keentay in codka kaliya ee laga maqlo idaacadaha ay yihiin jabhadaha kasoo horjeeda dawladda, iyo fikradda ah hadii ay Soomaali kale oo tiro badan oo aanan Ogaadeen ahayn ay daganyihiin deegaanka sida jabhadda ONLF ayay dagaalami lahaayeen, sidaa darteed Soomaalida kale deegaanka dagan waa dad aad looga tiro badanyahay, oo aanan lahayn miisaan culus. Waxa udhinta ee udagaalama gobolkana waa Ogaadeen, sidaa darteed gobolka beeshaas ayaa leh dhib iyo dheefba.
Su’aasha iswaydiinta mudan waxaytahay hadii ay beeshu yartahay sideebay ku heshay dagmooyinka tirada badan? Su’aashan iyada ah mar kale ayaan ka jawabi doonaa.

An open letter of the Issa North American community to the governments of Ethiopia,Ethiopian Somali Region.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Press Release.

To: Minister of Federal Affairs -Shiferaw Teklemariam

CC: Prime Minister of Ethiopia.
CC: Minister of Justice -Birhan Hailu

CC: President SRS, Abdi Mohamud Omar.

Ref: The Constitutional Rights of the Citizens of Shinile Region Are Violated.

We, the diaspora of Shinille region, who live in North America are hereby joining our voices and concerns to the voices and concerns of our people in that region. According to the information we recieved from the region, the Issa community held a general open conference in Dire-Dawa at the Residence of the Ugaas his excellency Ugaas Mustapha Ibrahim Ugaas Waise on 20/03/11, the conference was attended by many demographically diverse individuals and groups including, but not limited to, the Ugaas, head of tribes and clans, scholars, Sheikhs, intellectuals, politians, students, business people, people who work both in the public and private sectors.

The Agenda of the conference was to discuss and make awareness of the present status and the future of their region, Shinille, but the major cause was triggered by the news of March 15, 2011, the president of the Somali Regional State, Mr. Abdi Mohamud Omar asked the regional parliament to approve the following proposals:

1) To create three new symbolic positions for the office of vice president

2) To create 15 more districts to the Somali region state.

When the participants discussed this issue in a democratic way where every speaker was listened to and given an amble time to say his / her views , then voted for the final decision, the Conference issued the following statements:

a) The conference unanimously rejected the two bills(proposals) mentioned above(1 and 2).

The conference verified that the truth of this decision is nothing more than a calibration of a tribal mandate, to appease some of his clans in the state.

We are deeply disappointed with this move. We believe this decision is a mockery of the country’s constitution which clearly defines what constitutes a district. We believe the president understands this but is unwilling to do the right thing secondary to tribal politics in the Somali Regional State. But, one may ask, how long will the region’s leadership continue putting tribal politics before the regional state politics?

We demand the president to stop his toxic tribalism. It’s a shame that he had to do this humiliating dance to an issue that demands honesty and practical leadership.

b) The conference made it clear that these proposals are against the article that the communities in the Somali regional state( Kilil5) agreed on to maintain the fairness and balance of power sharing and wealth sharing.

c) The other point discussed by the conference was the creation of 15 more districts to the Somali region(Kilil5)

The conference rejected the 15 additional districts, because this project is a dishonest initiative from Mr Abdi in order to mislead the public opinion in the region, making this unrealistic project an acheivement in his term, which is not.

The conventional wisdom solicits that when a district or a region is to be created, it should have the following consideration to mention a few:

1) The area of the land that a district/region occupies

2) The number of population (inhabiants ) in the district/region

3) The economical capacity either from all economical resources or from the taxation revenue.

We all know that these districts do not meet these Criterias .If you compare between these so called new districts with any of the other previouse districts in Shinille region, like (Gablalaw(Osbuli), Hadhagaala, Dahawi, Gadhmalaw, Cundhufa, Cadaytu) you come to know that Shinille has more suitable, large and economically resourceful lands to be considered for district status than those empty strips of land that he asked for.

We believe that Mr. Abdi Omar created these districts on tribal basis to get for his tribe from 30%(now) to more than 60% of the parliament seats, and get over 70% of the Kilil5 budget,. Even now the budget is not distributed fairly, for example: Shinille’s Budget is 30 million a year, while Fiiq,which is too much smaller than Shinille, gets 40 Million a year. This level of dishonesty will not and should not be ignored or tolerated.

Shinille region complains about many problems like the following to mention a few:-

1. Lack of Water Suply:

The rural areas population migrate from their homes and land to very far places Looking for water, many of the vulnerable young and old can not make it, they die in between, their animal stocks die of theristy and hunger, they continue to be in this vicious cycle of hardship most of their life, except sometimes when they get lucky to have rain.

2. Education:

Our region do not get their fair share of education services,like schools. For example, until now this region has no grade 11 and grade 12 schools. When our children finish the grade 10 class, they have no other option but to either drop out, or if they have relatives, or places that host them in Jigjiga, to go to Jigjiga to continue their high school education. Never mind the small villages in our region, there are no schools in their area. The grade 11, and grade12 high schools and even universities are all located in Mr.

Abdi’s region, like Goday, Fiiq, and Qabridhar. In FIIQ and Qabridahar regions there are two boarding schools that host 800 students each, Goday has a university. It appears that Mr. Abdi and his cabinet are executive in chief for some regions of the state, while the other regions like Shinille get a second class status . Our children deserve better treatment, and we will fight for their natural and consistituational rights. This is not acceptable and we will not allow this injustice to continue on our expenses.

3. Health:

In Shinille region there are few health centers, some of them were established by NGOs, but these health centers are not enough to meet the need of the ever growing population in the region.

There is no single General Hospital in the region, there is no emergency services, no single Umbulance exists in the region, many members of our citizens lost their lives because of lack of adequate health care, we are neglected, our patience is exhausted, the region must get it’s right in all these areas.

4. Roads and communications:

There is no road infrastructure in the region, distances between cities , towns, and villages are too long, there is unpaved road links between Diri-Dawe and Djibouti, the train ceased to exist , some well populated areas cannot be reached by vehicles, some of them are unaccessble. We let you imagine how frightening it is to have an emergency in these areas, tell us whom these people turn to for help?, yes to their faith that God will receive their misery one day, but God made you leaders for these people to look after them and you failed them.

But you did not fail other parts of the state, you served them well, and we do not mind them to get their rights, we congratulate them, and we are happy for them, but the point is that Mr. Abdi and his cabinet can not spell the words: fairness in service, justice in distribution and responsibility for all somali region. The Peoples of shinile have the right to improved living standards and to sustainable development.


So, as Diaspora we ask the federal government of Ethiopia to respect the rights of the people of Shinile to take their destiny. The people of shinile have been losted 18 years with the systemic corruption in the Somali region of Ethiopia. Consequently, they would like manage their province under the Constitution of Ethiopia.

We accepted and respected our constitution adopted, on 8 December 1994 in Ethiopia. There for, the nation of shinile province strongly committed, in full and free exercise of our right to self-determination (Article45: (1)) like Harar stat. We fully determine to consolidate the peace and the prospect of a democratic in our country.

We call on the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, ato Meles Zenawi to provide leadership at this critical juncture and accept the following recommendation:

1. The Shinile province must be a regional state constitutionally (Article 45: (1) like Afar stat or Harar state.

2. The province Shinile is be very important for the economy of our country, it would consequently very important to keep the stability of this future regional state.

3. The demarcation between the Afar and the future state of Shinile state.

Thank you for your time to read this petition, and we do emphasize more to point out that this letter only translates some of the major publicized concerns of our people in Shinile Region, and we support their awareness, and peaceful way of standing up for what is right, and rejecting what is wrong.